Hamsters are one of the most popular small pets and are wonderful companions. They are known for their adorable personalities and charm, but did you know that they also have preferences when it comes to food? So what is your hamster’s favorite food?
As a whole, hamsters enjoy a variety of foods, including fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread and cereals, and proteins such as plain scrambled or boiled eggs. Giving your hamster a balanced diet with various food options in moderation is essential to help them get all the vital nutrients they need.
In this article, we’ll look at the popular food options for keeping your little friend happy and healthy. So without further ado, let’s dive into what hamsters prefer to eat!
Popular Options of Food for Hamsters
Hamsters are omnivore rodents, they enjoy a variety of fresh foods and treats. The best food for hamsters is a combination of high-protein pellets and fresh foods that provide all the crucial nutrients your pet needs to stay healthy.
Hamsters also enjoy a variety of snacks that can be found in pet stores. These include sunflower seeds, mealworms, peanuts, raisins, and other dried fruits. However, these should only be given occasionally as they are high in fat and sugar.
Here are a few of the popular options for feeding your furry friend:
1. Fruits And Vegetable
Hamsters love fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks. Fruits and veggies are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help keep your hamster healthy. The best hamster options include apples, bananas, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes. When feeding your hamster fruits and vegetables, it’s essential to ensure they are washed first to remove any chemicals or pesticides. Some top favorites are:
Carrot is one of the favorite foods of hamsters. The intricate texture of carrots makes them easy to gnaw, helping keep your hamster’s teeth nice and short. Carrots are high in sugar, so it’s best to serve only half to one teaspoon every day or two days as part of the overall diet.
Bananas are a tasty treat for hamsters and an essential part of their diet. Peel them before feeding to prevent choking hazards and toxic chemicals from getting into your pet’s system.
Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C – all beneficial minerals that will keep your furry friend healthy and happy. Feed your hamster this delicious fruit as part of a balanced diet for optimal health.
2. Seeds And Grains

Hamsters love to eat various grains and seeds. They also need all human-like Diet requirements to stay healthy. This can include sunflower seeds, wheat, oats, barley, and many more. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy hamster diet.
Seeds are one of the most popular snacks for hamsters. You can give your hamster suitable seeds in limited amounts as a snack option. Most hamsters love seeds, including wheat, millet, and sunflower seeds. Seeds are a significant source of nutrition for your hamster.
Be sure to feed your hamster only raw, unsalted seeds. Seeds of pears and apples should be avoided due to cyanogenic acids.
Sunflower seed
Sunflower seeds are the most beloved treat for hamsters. Sunflower seeds contain healthy fats and vitamins, making them a great addition to your hamster’s diet when given in reasonable quantities. Sunflower seeds also help keep your hamster’s teeth short and healthy, making them an even more attractive treat.
However, it is essential not to give your pet too many sunflower seeds because it could lead to overweight or diarrhea.
Nuts For Hamsters
Hamsters can enjoy most nuts. Some are better than others. Here’s a list of the popular nuts for your hamster to want:
- Peanuts – Unsalted and unshelled
- Walnuts – Unsalted and in small pieces
- Hazelnuts – Small pieces only
- Pistachios – Unsalted
3. Commercial Foods

Commercial hamster food is often a mixture of seeds, fruits, and nuts. These commercials are prepared with mixes containing dried fruits, nuts, and vegetables explicitly designed for hamsters.
These can supplement with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and even an occasional treat like unsalted popcorn or some cooked egg. Hamsters love to gnaw on hay-based products such as Timothy hay cubes or chew sticks. Offer treats in moderation since snacks are high in sugar and can lead to obesity over time.
Mealworms are also an excellent energy source, making them a great snack or treat for your pet hamster. When it comes to feeding your hamster mealworms, you can either live or dried mealworms. Live mealworms can buy from some pet stores, but they may not always be available. Alternatively, dried mealworms are readily available from pet food manufacturers in most areas.
Excess mealworms can cause your hamster to become obese, as they are high in fat and calories. As a guideline, if you have a Syrian hamster, they should only receive approximately two mealworms every other day; dwarf or smaller breeds should get just one per day maximum. Mealworms also contain calcium which helps develop strong bones and teeth for your pet.
Pellets And Rodent Blocks
The best commercial foods are pellet-style food and rodent blocks for hamsters. According to Dr. Gregory Rich, Pellet-based diets are ideal for hamsters, as they provide all of the essential nutrients that a hamster needs. These pellets should be supplemented with a small portion of grains, seeds, or pieces of nuts to ensure your hamster is getting an adequate variety and balance of nutrition in its diet.
Pellet-style foods come in various flavors and offer essential vitamins and minerals and proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that help keep your hamster healthy and energetic.
It’s important to avoid purchasing mixes containing seed or high-fat treats, as these can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Avoid giving them sugary fruits or processed treats like candy or chips.
Let’s take a look at some of the best Pellet food options for your hammy friend:
Oxbow Essentials Hamster Food and Gerbil Food
Oxbow Essentials are the best choices for feeding your hamster. This pellet-only food is designed to provide complete nutrition for active hamsters while preventing selective eating. The balanced mix of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, added antioxidants, and prebiotics supports a healthy immune system and overall well-being. This food contains no artificial colors or flavors, which can benefit sensitive animals like hamsters with allergies or dietary restrictions.
With Oxbow Essentials Hamster Food and Gerbil Food, you can rest assured that your little pet will meet all its nutritional needs.
Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health
Kaytee Forti-Diet is a great choice for hamsters. Providing all the essential vitamins and minerals, it comes in a larger pellet form (rodent blocks) to promote dental health by stimulating chewing. Plus, this formula includes probiotics and prebiotics to support digestive health. Give your hamster the nutrition they need to thrive with Forti-Diet Pro Health.
With this balanced diet, you can be confident your hamster will get the nutrition it needs for optimal growth and development.
Wrapping Up
Choosing the best food for your hamster is integral to providing the best care you can. Whether it’s commercial mixes, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, or pellets, providing a balanced diet that meets your pet’s nutritional needs. Monitor your hamster’s weight regularly so that they maintain their optimal health. Your pet will be happy and healthy for years with proper nutrition and plenty of love and attention.
Have you ever tried feeding your hamster one of the foods mentioned above? Share your experience with us in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can hamsters eat bread?
The answer is yes. Hamsters can eat bread in moderation. Bread can provide carbohydrates for energy and fiber for digestion. Most hamsters will enjoy a small piece of soft white or whole-wheat bread as an occasional treat. However, they should not have too much because they gain little nutrition from regular white bread.
What hamsters Cannot eat?
- Raw beans.
- Apple seeds.
- Onions.
- Raw potatoes.
- Garlic.
- Rhubarb leaves or raw rhubarb.
- Almonds.
- Citrus fruit.
What is a hamster’s favorite snack?
Hamsters love to eat high-fiber, nutrient-rich foods similar to what they would consume in the wild. Fresh vegetables, such as carrots, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, and leafy greens, like romaine lettuce and spinach, are always great options. Hamsters will often enjoy mealworms and other live insects too.
Can I make my hamster food?
Yes, you can make your own hamster food! You should create a balanced diet with a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds, grains, nuts, and more. Be sure to avoid any foods that are toxic to hamsters, such as chocolate, onions, and avocado.