Over the years, keeping guinea pigs as pets due to their endearing appearance, small size, and thick fur coats has led to their rising popularity. They are well-known for their cheerful personalities, low care requirements, and the fact that they can be taught to perform basic tricks. But, in order to maintain their health and happiness, guinea pigs, like all other animals, have particular requirements that must be fulfilled. One of these fundamental requirements is water, which is absolutely necessary in order to maintain their general health. In that context, let’s discuss what do guinea pigs drink.

As a general rule, guinea pigs drink water and need a consistent supply of wholesome water at all times. The recommended amount of water a guinea pig should drink daily is around 10% of its body weight; however, individual requirements may vary.
Importance of Water for Guinea Pigs
Water is necessary for the survival of all living organisms, including guinea pigs, and there is no exception to this rule. Water is, in point of fact, essential to the overall health and life of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are susceptible to developing dehydration if they do not receive enough amount of water, which can result in major health issues such as infections of the urinary system and kidneys and even death.
Additionally, the digestive system of a guinea pig cannot function properly without sufficient amounts of water.
Also, guinea pigs are herbivores, meaning they need to consume a diet high in fiber to keep their digestive systems healthy. The fiber in their food is more easily broken down with water, which enables their bodies to absorb the essential nutrients more effectively.
Furthermore, a guinea pig’s body temperature must be maintained by drinking sufficient amounts of water. Guinea pigs are sensitive to variations in temperature, and they rely on water to help them maintain a consistent body temperature, especially when the weather is unusually warm.
How to Properly Offer Water to your Pet Guinea Pigs?
Providing guinea pigs with water is a relatively simple process. Your guinea pig will drink from either a water bottle or a water dish/bowl you offer. A water bottle is a more sanitary choice than other containers since it prevents the water from being contaminated with trash, bedding, or excrement. On the other hand, there are guinea pigs who will only drink from a bowl/dish of water. If you decide to use a water bowl/dish, you must ensure that it is sufficiently weighted not to topple over and that it is cleaned regularly.
Make it a habit to replace the water in your guinea pig’s bowl once a day or more frequently if the water gets dirty. Guinea pigs have a bad habit of knocking over their water bottles or dribbling water onto their bedding, both of which can promote the spread of germs. As a result, it is essential to make frequent checks throughout the day to ensure that your guinea pig’s water supply is complete and clean.
What Kind of Water Do Guinea Pigs Prefer to Drink?
Guinea pigs want clean, fresh water. The water from the tap is not dangerous for guinea pigs to drink, but it may include chlorine and other chemicals that are hazardous to the health of your pet guinea pig. If you are concerned about the water quality of your tap, you might want to consider investing in a water filter or buying bottled water instead.
It would help if you didn’t give your guinea pig sugary drinks or fruit juice since these substances might cause diarrhea and other digestive disorders. Moreover, steer clear of giving your guinea pig cow’s milk because these animals are lactose intolerant and unable to digest cow’s milk properly.
What Drinks are not Considered Safe for Guinea Pigs?
There are several drinks that should never be given to guinea pigs since they are not suitable for their digestive systems. The following are some examples:
- Alcohol: It is hazardous to give guinea pigs any kind of alcoholic drink. Even a tiny amount is enough to cause damage to the liver, seizures, and other major issues with one’s health.
- Carbonated beverages: Carbonated drinks such as soda are unhealthy for guinea pigs since they can cause bloat and irritation and potentially lead to difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract.
- Fruit juice: Although fruit juice could appear to be a good choice for your guinea pig’s diet, it really has a significant amount of sugar and is not required. Consuming an excessive amount of sugar can result in obesity as well as other health problems.
- Milk: Guinea pigs cannot digest lactose, which is contained in milk and other dairy products. Thus, they should not consume milk. Because of this, offering them milk or any other drink containing dairy might result in intestinal issues.
What is the recommended daily amount of water for guinea pigs?
Guinea pigs must constantly have access to water that is free from contamination and of good quality. Each day, a guinea pig should consume an amount of water equal to around 10 percent of its body weight.
Hence, if your guinea pig weighs one kilogram, it should consume around one hundred milliliters of water daily. On the other hand, this is only an estimate, and individual guinea pigs may drink more or less water based on the specific requirements of their bodies.
It is essential to ensure that the water bottle or bowl your guinea pig uses to drink from is frequently cleaned to prevent the growth of germs and that the water in the bottle or bowl is replaced daily. Also, if you find that your guinea pig is drinking much more or less water than normal, you should make an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible since this might indicate a more serious underlying health problem.
What Kind of Supplements Could Be Added to the Guinea Pigs’ Water?
It is usually ideal for supplying guinea pigs with unflavored, unprocessed, and unaltered water. There are, however, a few situations in which you might want to consider adding anything to the water that your guinea pig is drinking:
- Apple cider vinegar: Some guinea pig owners put a drop or two of apple cider vinegar in their pet’s water to aid digestion.
- Vitamin C supplements: To keep their health, guinea pigs must consume a certain amount daily. You can guarantee that your guinea pigs receive an adequate amount of this vital ingredient by adding a vitamin C supplement to their daily drinking water.
- Electrolytes: If your guinea pig is recuperating from an illness or is dehydrated, you may restore its fluids and minerals by adding an electrolyte solution to its water. If your guinea pig is sick or dehydrated, see your veterinarian immediately.
It is essential to remember that any additives ought to be utilized moderately and just after acquiring the advice of a licensed veterinarian.
Closing remarks
Generally, guinea pigs will drink water, and they require a constant supply of clean water to be available to them at all times. Also, it is essential to ensure that their water bottle or bowl is cleaned and replaced with fresh water regularly to avoid the spread of bacteria.
It is crucial to speak with a veterinarian to verify that any modifications to their water are safe for guinea pigs. Even in some situations where you could think about adding vitamins or other additives to their water, it is essential to note that doing so is only a consideration.