Birds are fun pets,, but sometimes it’s difficult to choose which one to get. Cockatiels are cute but so are budgies, which is another name for the parakeet or budgerigar. At first, you considered one bird but couldn’t decide between the two. So now, you’re considering getting one of each but have so many questions. We’re here to answer them for you.

As a whole Cockatiels and parakeets can live together but it depends on their individual personalities and compatibility. Introduce birds gradually and supervise their interactions to ensure they get along. Having separate cages and providing plenty of space and toys can also help prevent conflict.
Can Parakeets and Cockatiels live in the same cage?
As a general rule Parakeets and cockatiels can coexist in the same cage, but cage size should be appropriate for the number of birds and species. Socialization, cage placement, and personality should also be considered to ensure harmonious living.
Both species have similar care requirements, making it tempting to house them together. However, whether or not parakeets and cockatiels can live together depends on a variety of factors, including size, personality, and health.
Cockatiels are larger birds and may bully smaller parakeets, especially if the cage is too small. This can lead to stress, which can affect their overall health and well-being. Additionally, parakeets are social birds that need a lot of interaction, while cockatiels are relatively independent and do not require as much interaction.
On the other hand, if both birds are socialized and get along, they can live together in a large cage. Regular interaction and bonding sessions are also important to help them build a positive relationship.
Can Parakets and Cockatiels eat the same food?
On Average Parakeets and Cockatiels have similar dietary needs and can eat the same basic diet of seed mix, fruits, vegetables, and occasional pellets. However, it is important to offer a balanced diet and variety to meet each bird’s individual nutritional requirements.
Can Cockatiels live with other birds?
Some birds can live together and some cannot. We broke it down for you below.
Birds that can live with cockatiels (not in the same cage)
- Turquoise parrots
- Red-crowned parrots
Can Parakeets live with other birds?
Birds that can live with parakeets
- Small parrots
- Lorikeets
- Zebra finches
It’s not a good idea to put parakeets with canaries. As it turns out, parakeets can be quite the bullies when they want to be. They may bully canaries to death, which happen to be very fragile little birds.
When is best to introduce them to each other? Introducing your parakeet and cockatiel to each other is a long process so be patient. Some good friendships happen fast and others are developed over time. The latter will be the case with your two birds.
How to introduce your birds to each other
Step One: The first thing you do is separate the new bird from the one that has been living in your home for two weeks. If you recently purchased both birds it’s still a good idea that you keep them separated for two weeks. This is to prevent any possible illnesses to pass from one bird to another.
Step Two: Time for you to bond with your birds. If you haven’t done this already it’s important that you bond with your birds before you even consider introducing them to each other. If a scuffle were to break out it would be more difficult to break up if your birds didn’t even trust you.
Step Three: Place the two cages near one another. This way they will become familiar with the sights and sounds of each other. Let them sit next to each other in their safe space so neither feels threatened. You should keep up this step for at least a month before moving on to the next.
Step Four: Let them out of their cages, one at a time. If neither bird is used to being out of the cage they may consider the other bird a threat because they are in unchartered territory. If you give each of them space to move around and get their grounding then an introduction between the two will likely be smoother than, if they first met each other, the first time they were ever out of their cages.
Step Five: Decide where the neutral area in your home will be. You can build a play area for them or simply clear a table for the first meeting. Positon several perches around the room so each of them has an option to fly to if and when they are feeling nervous.
Step Six: Don’t leave them alone. In fact, you should be watching everything that happens when you first let them out of their cages at the same time. Be aware if either of them is getting aggressive or stressed, which would prompt them to bite, hiss, lunge at each other, and scream. As we said, parakeets are bullies, and they go after the toes. Cockatiels are more timid so this is a distinct difference in personality. You don’t want this behavior so, if you observe it, get them back into their cages and away from each other.
Step Seven: Limit these first meetings to an hour at the most. As time progresses and you find your birds are more comfortable around each other then you can lengthen their playtime.
When will it no work to have them together? If you have taken your time and followed all the steps properly and your birds are still not getting along you will just have to accept that they aren’t going to be friends and will have to be constantly separated. This may mean letting them out of their cages at different times so there are no scuffles and extra attention from you so they both feel loved and bonded.
If you want two birds then you should consider getting two of the same kind. This would not only be ultimately better for the birds but it would be less costly for you since you won’t have to double up on all the supplies and necessities. But, if you are insistent on getting a parakeet and a cockatiel then we highly recommend you follow our guide so you will create a loving and safe home for both of them.
It is always recommended to consult with a veterinarian when considering keeping multiple bird species in the same cage, as compatibility and living conditions may vary and affect the health and well-being of the birds.