Bearded dragons have their own personalities, just like birds, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and other domesticated animals. Some of them even exhibit characteristics that show they are somewhat clever. Many people think that reptiles aren’t smart, but many bearded dragons have shown that this isn’t true. So, are bearded dragons friendly?

Bearded dragons are kind and friendly reptiles that make great pets. They are often friendly toward people and tolerate being handled without complaint. They may also be socialized to get along well with canines.
Many bearded dragons exhibit signs of having their personalities at a young age. Bearded dragons can be calm or aggressive. They act differently and seem to have different personalities because of it.
The Characteristics of a Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons are usually friendly, social, and easy to handle. They are known to bear human contact better than most other reptiles and may be tamed with relative ease.
Different bearded dragons, like other living things, each have a distinct personality. However, your dragon’s lack of friendliness does not always indicate that it is unfriendly.
Are Bearded Dragons Friendly to Other Bearded Dragons?
Bearded dragons are known to live in groups. Bearded dragons are social creatures and like the company of other dragons. They also like the company of other animals kept as pets, including snakes, tortoises, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits, amongst others.
Mature bearded dragons can be aggressive against one another when defending their territory, fighting over food, or courting females. Male beardies interested in a female beardie who doesn’t seem submissive could attack her.
Beardies of both sexes have the characteristic “beard,” which is an essential means of communication within the species. If your beardie has an open mouth, a raised chin, a puffed-out beard, or spikes, these could be signs that he or she feels scared.
Are They Friendly to Other Pets?
Bearded dragons do not get along well with other types of pets. Bearded dragons have a variety of natural enemies, including canines, felines, and even birds. Your dog or cat staring at your bearded dragon through the window may cause it a lot of stress.
It’s great news if your pets have been trained not to harm your bearded dragon, but even the most well-behaved animals can have a flash of wildness. Remember that this is rare when a bearded dragon doesn’t get along with other pets.
Are Bearded Dragons Friendly to People?
Bearded dragons can get close to their owners over time if they are handled, bathed, and played with the same way every day. Your bearded dragon’s cage needs to be in perfect shape, so its mood doesn’t change suddenly because of things like broken UVB lights, a too-cold basking spot, or hides that are too small or too big. Even the calmest and most peaceful bearded dragons can quickly become agitated and stressed out if their enclosures are not properly set up.
Bearded dragons are lovely to keep as calm friends on your shoulder as you watch TV or use the internet. They are one of the most tame and social reptiles that may be kept as pets.
When handling your bearded dragon, family, friends, and strangers should be careful. Bearded dragons form bonds with their owners, which are quite personal. This does not apply to any other individuals.
Strangers should not expect to be treated the same way as your beardie, even if your beardie is willing to forgive you for quick movements or a bit of a squeeze. Therefore, it is essential to take the time to properly go through how to manage your bearded dragon to create a pleasant experience for all parties involved.
Are Bearded Dragons Friendly to Children?
Bearded dragons are ideal pets for families with children as long as the children do not try to agitate or anger the dragons. If you have children, you must explain bearded dragon handling rules to them.
Bearded dragons are very cheerful and kind creatures and love being around humans. This is fantastic news for those who have children since it eliminates the need for parental supervision of bearded dragons and child interactions.
Most of the time, bearded dragons don’t hurt, bite, or even scratch people. They are much more gentle than other species, and being handled may be an enjoyable pastime that can be a bonding experience if they are properly socialized at a young age.
When dealing with a bearded dragon, children must repeatedly be reminded to go slowly and steadily. You need to be there and keep an eye on the interactions, just in case your kid gets carried away with their excitement.
How Can I Get My Bearded Dragon to Be Friendly?
It’s only natural that it would take some time to form a connection with any animal. In the case of bearded dragons, there are a few different approaches that you may take to make your bearded dragon more attentive to you. Even though it might take a few months, you should stick with these methods.
Be Gentle At Handling
You should begin by handling your bearded dragon gently if you want to make him friendly. At least twenty minutes each day should be spent holding your bearded dragon. Be careful not to injure your bearded dragon with hard handling, firm grip, sharp nails, or any combination of these things.
Aside from that, you may give your bearded dragon some soothing pats on the head or back of its neck. You may also gently rub its underbelly. However, you can progressively lengthen the handling time as well as the session duration. If your bearded dragon appears agitated, you should leave it alone for a while. When your bearded dragons feel comfortable around you, they’ll let you hold them for longer.

Persistency In Holding Your Bearded Dragon
There is a possibility that you will not get a favourable response from your bearded dragon at first. But you should keep working with your bearded dragon every day. In order to get your bearded dragon friendly toward you, you will need to exercise some patience.
Make Baths
In general, you should bathe your bearded dragons at least three times every week at the very least. They will remain hydrated and clean as a result of it. You may also go here to learn the exact indicators of a bearded dragon that has lost too much water.
Bathing your bearded dragon regularly in warm water is a great way to strengthen your relationship with it. You may also give your bearded dragon a light scrubbing during the bathing process.
Hand Feeding
Hand-feeding your bearded dragon is the most profitable approach to having a good bonding experience with them. First, you can get your beardie’s attention by putting small bits of food nearby.
Provide a healthy diet to keep your beardie happy. After that, you may begin to feed your bearded dragon using a pair of tongs or tweezers. If you do it often, your bearded dragon will bond with you.
Offer Rewards
You could also give your beardie a name. Bearded dragons can recognise your voice’s tone when you repeatedly repeat their name.
You can give it a treat when it comes when you call it or moves forward. It will allow you to touch your beardies, encouraging them to follow you.
Male Or Female, Which Bearded Dragon Is Friendlier?
When deciding who is friendlier, male or female, we must consider what and who we are comparing. Female bearded dragons tend to get along better with other bearded dragons. However, it does not appear that there is a significant difference in the friendliness of males and females toward human beings.